Sian Tranter


Latest articles by Sian Tranter

How are heart murmurs diagnosed and treated in dogs?
Common Conditions
How are heart murmurs diagnosed and treated in dogs?
It is common for a vet to hear a heart murmur on routine examination of a healthy dog. This can come as an alarming surprise. But, don't panic. A heart murmur can be present without serious implications and your dog may…
April 22, 2021 • 2 shares
Do pugs have health problems? Things to know before you buy
Do pugs have health problems? Things to know before you buy
Pugs are thought to be one of the oldest dog breeds, they were first mentioned by Confucius in 551 BC(1). Initially bred as royal companions, they have delightful, clownish personalities. They love human company and bein…
March 17, 2021 • 110 shares • 11 comments
Cystitis in Cats - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Cystitis in Cats - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Cats develop cystitis for many reasons including infections, bladder stones and tumours. Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC) is the most common cause of cystitis in cats under 10 years. Idiopathic means that no cause is fou…
March 2, 2021 • 159 shares • 3 comments
My cat has lymphoma – what does that mean?
My cat has lymphoma – what does that mean?
Cats are experts at hiding disease, sleeping a little more and doing a little less. A diagnosis of lymphoma can be a complete surprise in a cat who seems a little off colour. But lymphoma is actually a remarkably common…
February 28, 2021 • 25 shares
What should I feed my kitten?
What should I feed my kitten?
There is an overwhelming choice of pet foods on the shelves of most pet shops and supermarkets. Choosing the right food for your kitten can be daunting, so in this blog we’ll take a more detailed look at it.
February 18, 2021 • 1 shares
Does my dog’s health affect my own?
News and Comment
Does my dog’s health affect my own?
Generally, studies suggest that dog ownership has an overwhelmingly positive impact on our health. Last year, a headline from a research paper in Sweden called this into question. The study found that people who own a do…
February 15, 2021 • 24 shares
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