Vanessa Bowers


Vanessa has worked in practice for over 20 years, becoming an RVN in 2008 and completing the Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing (DipAVN) in 2015. She enjoys all aspects of veterinary nursing and has always worked in first opinion, mixed practice appreciating the variety this brings. She is currently in a more office based role within practice.
When not at work she enjoys various outdoor activities and spending time with family and friends.

Latest articles by Vanessa Bowers

Why are post-op checks at the vets important?
Why are post-op checks at the vets important?
Following a procedure you will be asked to arrange one or more post op checks. It is appreciated that sometimes this isn’t convenient especially if you have to juggle work and other commitments or arrange transport. Perh…
June 20, 2024 • 8 shares
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