Yvette Bell


I qualified in 2012 from the Royal Veterinary College and, after several years or varied work in Cape Verde, I returned to the UK and focussed mostly on small animal emergency work. I now live and work in the Spanish countryside with my three legged dog Ursa and Irish Sport Horse mare Bella.

Latest articles by Yvette Bell

Why is my horse shaking his head?
Why is my horse shaking his head?
Headshaking can be very frustrating. Although it's fairly common, it can be difficult to get to the bottom of and treat effectively. It's actually a clinical sign and, as such, can have a number of underlying causes. …
May 28, 2021 • 16 shares
What does Addison's disease mean for my dog?
What does Addison's disease mean for my dog?
Addison's disease, otherwise known as hypoadrenocorticism, is an endocrine abnormality that affects dogs and, rarely, cats. It can be a bit tricky to understand, especially because there are various types. Essentially, A…
May 27, 2021 • 11 shares
Why is my puppy panting so much?
Why is my puppy panting so much?
You’ve finally brought your lovely new addition home, and now you’re worrying about every little cough, cry and sneeze. It’s very common to be concerned about a puppy. Their new owners want the best for…
May 24, 2021 • 22 shares • 4 comments
Why is my puppy shaking?
Why is my puppy shaking?
Getting a puppy is a very exciting time, however, it's not without its challenges. You probably expect teething problems like chewing or accidents in the house, but concerns about your puppy's health might take you by su…
May 14, 2021 • 20 shares • 1 comments
How is bloat treated in dogs and what are the signs?
How is bloat treated in dogs and what are the signs?
What is bloat? When talking about a condition called 'bloat' we are normally referring to an emergency in dogs whereby the stomach becomes very distended and rotates. This creates the typical appearance of a swollen abdo…
May 12, 2021
5 things you need to know about prostate abscesses in dogs
5 things you need to know about prostate abscesses in dogs
Abscesses are one of a number of conditions that can affect the prostate in male dogs. The prostate is a gland that surrounds the urethra close to where it leaves the bladder, and it produces some of the fluid components…
May 11, 2021 • 8 shares
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