Search results for "dog spay"

Is my Dog Sleeping Too Much?
Ask a vet
Is my Dog Sleeping Too Much?
Dogs seem to have a great ability to nod off and grab some shut-eye at any time of the day or night! But how do you know if your dog’s sleeping patterns are normal? Especially with a lot of us being at home with our pets…
May 23, 2020 • 24 shares
Do vets charge too much for bitch spays?
As part of my work as a "media vet", I'm a strong advocate for spaying and neutering pets as the best way to control the problem of pet overpopulation. Accidental pregnancies still account for a high number of unwanted p…
June 5, 2015 • 3 shares • 5 comments
Dog Castration: a step by step guide to the operation
Dog Castration: a step by step guide to the operation
Deciding whether to castrate or not Castrating or neutering a male dog is an operation requiring a general anaesthetic. Both testicles are removed. As with all operations, the advantages and disadvantages should be consi…
February 8, 2013 • 456 shares • 210 comments
When to spay - When is the best time to spay or neuter?
In recent years, "desexing" - spaying and neutering - has become the obvious and natural choice for most pet owners. Apart from population control, it's often been said that there early neutering is better for the health…
May 18, 2012 • 113 shares • 11 comments
Congenital canine urinary incontinence - what's why has my puppy ALWAYS been incontinent?
Common Conditions
Congenital canine urinary incontinence - what's why has my puppy ALWAYS been incontinent?
‘Congenital’ means that you are born with the condition, and ‘urinary incontinence’ is the unintentional passing of urine. Congenital urinary incontinence in dogs is a result of a problem during foetal development anywhe…
May 11, 2024 • 7 shares
What is Kitten Neutering and Is It Fair?
What is Kitten Neutering and Is It Fair?
Neutering (the surgical act of castrating a male or spaying a female) is viewed as the most humane way to control the feline population. With an estimated quarter of a million unowned cats living rough and with cat rescu…
February 14, 2024 • 124 shares
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