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Archive: Sep 2020

Why are vets so afraid of rabies when we have a vaccine?
Pet Travel
Why are vets so afraid of rabies when we have a vaccine?
What is rabies? Rabies is a virus that can affect all mammals including humans and dogs. It’s in the saliva of infected animals and spread mainly by bites and scratches. After a bite or scratch, the rabies virus travels…
May 24, 2021 • 2 shares
Why is my puppy panting so much?
Why is my puppy panting so much?
You’ve finally brought your lovely new addition home, and now you’re worrying about every little cough, cry and sneeze. It’s very common to be concerned about a puppy. Their new owners want the best for…
May 24, 2021 • 22 shares • 4 comments
What is mange in dogs?
What is mange in dogs?
Put simply, the veterinary definition of mange is ‘a skin disease caused by mites’. Mites are miniscule organisms closely related to ticks and spiders. For many, the term mange will automatically evoke images of animals…
May 23, 2021 • 40 shares
What is sheep worrying and why is it increasing?
What is sheep worrying and why is it increasing?
Sheep worrying is something that is sadly becoming an all too common occurrence throughout the countryside. Social media and local news will often show graphic images of injured livestock and detailed reports from farmer…
May 23, 2021 • 56 shares
Which pronoun – do pets have a gender identity?
Which pronoun – do pets have a gender identity?
Who we are is important: where we come from; what we like and dislike; what we look like. In human society, one of the most important distinctions is whether you are male or female. Naturally, we care about what our pets…
May 22, 2021 • 672 shares • 25 comments
What vaccinations does a new puppy need?
What vaccinations does a new puppy need?
One of the common concerns new pet owners have is regarding the vaccination of their puppies. There is conflicting information not only on which vaccines to give, on whether to vaccinate puppies at all and on how to bala…
May 21, 2021 • 20 shares
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