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Archive: Sep 2020

What is a vet nurse clinic and how can they help your pet?
Vet Clinic
What is a vet nurse clinic and how can they help your pet?
Vet nurses are elusive creatures often hiding out the back of the veterinary practice assisting vets, monitoring anaesthetics, and performing their varied duties. Amongst these duties, most practices offer clinics with t…
May 12, 2021 • 23 shares • 1 comments
How is bloat treated in dogs and what are the signs?
How is bloat treated in dogs and what are the signs?
What is bloat? When talking about a condition called 'bloat' we are normally referring to an emergency in dogs whereby the stomach becomes very distended and rotates. This creates the typical appearance of a swollen abdo…
May 12, 2021
5 things you need to know about prostate abscesses in dogs
5 things you need to know about prostate abscesses in dogs
Abscesses are one of a number of conditions that can affect the prostate in male dogs. The prostate is a gland that surrounds the urethra close to where it leaves the bladder, and it produces some of the fluid components…
May 11, 2021 • 8 shares
Tougher sentences introduced for cruelty to animals
Animal Welfare
Tougher sentences introduced for cruelty to animals
The maximum prison sentences for animal cruelty will increase from six months to five years, according to the new legislation given Royal assent on 29 April 2021. The Bill follows a public consultation in 2017, in which…
May 11, 2021 • 1 shares • 1 comments
How to care for a dog after a spay
How to care for a dog after a spay
It's always nerve-wracking when your pet has an operation. Even routine surgeries such as having your pet neutered will give many owners butterflies. This is completely understandable, they are your babies after all! Yo…
May 10, 2021 • 195 shares • 9 comments
Vet tips on how to settle in a new puppy
Vet tips on how to settle in a new puppy
Adding a new member to the family is no easy task. Especially when that family member enjoys unusual pastimes, like chewing on hardwood floors and eating their own faecal matter. A puppy is like a cute little hurricane;…
May 10, 2021 • 1 comments
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