David Harris


David graduated from Bristol Vet School in 2005. He spent several years in equine and then small animal practice, developing a particular interest in pharmacology and anaesthetics. David developed his digital skills working at the MyVetMeds veterinary pharmacy and brings those skills to VetHelpDirect particularly in his work creating content for veterinary practices. He now splits his time between VetHelpDirect and teaching veterinary nurses and animal science students at Cornwall College. He has a broad interest in all matters veterinary and biological, but a particular interest in evidence based practice and applied veterinary pharmacology; and is our veterinary content and technical editor.
He lives on Dartmoor surrounded by family dogs, sheep and horses!

Latest articles by David Harris

Consultation Vet Prices - how much it costs to see a vet in the UK
Vet Prices
Consultation Vet Prices - how much it costs to see a vet in the UK
Prices of veterinary care can be difficult to understand sometimes. Every practice has a different pricing structure, and works out the bill slightly differently. However, there’s one key vet fee that is critical for any…
February 13, 2024 • 38 shares
Do Cocker Spaniels make healthy pets?
Do Cocker Spaniels make healthy pets?
A popular family pet that is eager to please, Cocker Spaniels can make great companions, but how healthy are they really? If you are thinking of adding a Cocker Spaniel to your family or keen to know a bit more about the…
January 17, 2024 • 192 shares
Vet Bashing has to Stop
Life as vet - what its like
Vet Bashing has to Stop
A couple of weeks ago, there was a news report from the South East of England that a local veterinary practice was opening a new premises. This new centre would be able to offer a higher standard of care than the practic…
December 11, 2023 • 615 shares
CMA investigation into vet charges
News and Comment
CMA investigation into vet charges
You might have heard recently that the Competition and Markets Authority, the UK’s competition regulator, has launched an enquiry into the veterinary sector. This has, of course, been reported widely in the press, and ha…
October 10, 2023 • 332 shares • 6 comments
What is an XL Bully dog, and should they be banned?
What is an XL Bully dog, and should they be banned?
The American Bully XL, or “XL Bully”, dogs have been in the news recently, following a horrific incident in Birmingham this week. It has now reached the top levels of politics, and the Home Secretary, Suella Braverman MP…
September 12, 2023 • 162 shares
New prescribing rules for UK vets
New prescribing rules for UK vets
Many of you may be aware that as of 1st September 2023, the rules around vets prescribing medications in the UK have changed. Some of these changes are relatively minor, but others may have a substantial impact on how yo…
September 5, 2023 • 3356 shares • 241 comments
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