Emma Drinkall


Latest articles by Emma Drinkall

Pet, fur baby, animal or family?
Controversial topics
Pet, fur baby, animal or family?
Animal and pet ownership, and the relationships we form with our animals can mean different things to different people. For some they are our animals, others a pet, for some they are a member of our family, and for other…
June 16, 2021 • 10 shares • 1 comments
Why is my dog drooling?
Ask a vet
Why is my dog drooling?
There are many things that can cause your dog to drool. Some maybe less worrying, but dribbling can be an important clue, and a sign that something is wrong with your pet.
January 10, 2020 • 286 shares • 190 comments
Why is my dog throwing up?
Why is my dog throwing up?
There are many many things that can cause your dog to throw up, so it’s hardly surprising that it is one of the most common reasons for a pet to be brought in to see the vet.
December 20, 2019 • 38 shares
Blended Family, Blended Pack
News and Comment
Blended Family, Blended Pack
Bringing two families together can be an exciting time, with lots of changes. Add to that integrating multiple pets into the same household and your furry family member can have a new companion for life. However, all the…
November 25, 2019 • 9 shares
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