Kate Cavanagh BVSc MRCVS

Latest articles by Kate Cavanagh BVSc MRCVS

Could my dog have an underactive thyroid?
Common Conditions
Could my dog have an underactive thyroid?
Hypothyroidism occurs when there is impaired production and secretion of thyroid hormones from the thyroid glands. This results in a decreased metabolic rate, and symptoms that are associated with this. It’s most co…
July 4, 2020 • 24 shares • 2 comments
Does my pet have diabetes and how is it diagnosed?
Common Conditions
Does my pet have diabetes and how is it diagnosed?
Diabetes is estimated to affect 1 in 200 cats, and 1 in 300 dogs in the UK, although it may be under-diagnosed. In both species it’s said to be on the increase. According to a 5-year study of 900 pets by insurer Animal F…
June 18, 2020 • 1 shares
Why is my cat always hungry?
Ask a vet
Why is my cat always hungry?
Cats have a reputation for their insistent behaviour around feeding. They are individuals so it’s important to learn what is normal for each of them. If they appear hungrier than usual, there may be a simple reason, but…
May 27, 2020 • 84 shares • 25 comments
Anaesthetic-Free Dentals are safe and effective - Fact or Myth?
Fact or Myth?
Anaesthetic-Free Dentals are safe and effective - Fact or Myth?
Anaesthesia-free dentistry involves restraining an animal to remove tartar from the surface of their teeth. This may be done manually with instruments or using an ultrasonic scaler. It’s often offered as a cheaper or eas…
May 18, 2020 • 208 shares
New study reveals 5 breeds of dog most at risk of elbow disease
New study reveals 5 breeds of dog most at risk of elbow disease
Recently the results were published from one of the largest studies into elbow disease. Cases were taken from a pool of nearly half a million dogs in first opinion practice in the UK over a one-year period. …
May 11, 2020 • 57 shares • 3 comments
Can an Old Dog get on with a New Baby?
Can an Old Dog get on with a New Baby?
While a new baby brings much joy it’s also a time of big change. This can be daunting for our aging pets, used to a routine and unrivalled attention. It’s possible to reduce stress to a minimum but it takes planning, tim…
April 27, 2020 • 29 shares • 2 comments
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