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Megan Sevier


I qualified as a veterinary nurse in 2017 after obtaining my degree at Duchy College Rosewarne. I fell in love with vet nursing after doing work experience at a local practice, I asked to volunteer and eventually was able to have my placement there. My main passions are surgery and anaesthesia but I am also a big advocate for the role of the veterinary nurse within the industry and the industry's attitude towards mental health and burnout. Outside of work I paint, enjoy the beach and have two troublesome cats to keep me busy!

Latest articles by Megan Sevier

How much should dogs eat?
How much should dogs eat?
An age-old question… And if you asked a Labrador, the answer would be everything and anything! However, it’s probably a good thing Labradors aren’t in control of their own diet as they most certainly would be heavier tha…
July 4, 2021
How can I puppy proof my home?
How can I puppy proof my home?
Getting a puppy is an exciting time, from deciding names, to choosing collars and buying toys. However one important aspect is getting your home all ready for the big day. Puppies are small mischievous lit…
June 19, 2021 • 66 shares
Is it too hot to walk my dog?
Is it too hot to walk my dog?
Summer days are coming, ice creams and sun cream are at the ready! But what about our furry friends? Summer can be particularly difficult for dogs to manage especially as their humans try to get out and about, enjoying t…
June 9, 2021 • 75 shares
What is a vet nurse clinic and how can they help your pet?
Vet Clinic
What is a vet nurse clinic and how can they help your pet?
Vet nurses are elusive creatures often hiding out the back of the veterinary practice assisting vets, monitoring anaesthetics, and performing their varied duties. Amongst these duties, most practices offer clinics with t…
May 12, 2021 • 23 shares • 1 comments
Do different dog breeds have different personalities?
Do different dog breeds have different personalities?
Everyone thinks that their dog has the best personality (and who am I to comment!). Dogs are chosen based on how well they will fit into your family dynamic, a person’s lifestyle and most importantly how their personalit…
April 8, 2021 • 144 shares • 1 comments
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