Pet Health Advice

Care Advice & Information for Your Pet

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Cat Healthcare & Management

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Dog Healthcare & Management

Check your dog's symptoms
Symptom Checker

Guinea Pig Healthcare & Management

Hamster Healthcare & Management

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Horse leaning on fence to graze

How to manage an outbreak of ringworm in horses

Ringworm in horses is a very contagious fungal infection of the horse’s skin that can spread rapidly from horse to horse. Ringworm is a zoonotic disease which means it can also spread from horse to human. Despite the name, ringworm is not always ring-shaped and has nothing to do with worms. The Trichophyton and Microsporum species of […]

Yorkshire terrier on green grass

What is a “Luxating Patella” in dogs?

Luxating patella is a common orthopaedic condition in pets. It is seen often in dogs and occasionally in cats. As a pet owner, discovering your beloved companion has been diagnosed with this issue can feel overwhelming. Understanding the condition, its causes, diagnosis, treatment options, and the importance of post-surgical care will help you navigate this […]

do dogs get spots

Why does my dog have spots? All about pustules

Dogs don’t get spots… or do they?  It is definitely possible for dogs to develop spots, otherwise known as pustules. But, unlike humans, they don’t get them as a matter of course and there’s usually an underlying reason why they are having a skin breakout. Let’s explore the importance of a healthy skin barrier and […]


Infected cat wounds – everything you need to know

Has your cat been fighting again? Cats are territorial animals, and much like their wild cat ancestors, they prefer their own company. When they meet other cats, things can get tense. It’s not uncommon for disputes to boil over, even with cats who have lived together for a while.  Cats use many tactics to avoid […]

Dog with EPI

Might your dog have EPI?

Does your dog regularly have digestive issues? Maybe you have started wondering whether there is more to it than ‘just a sensitive stomach’.  One condition you may have come across when investigating the causes of diarrhoea in dogs is exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). EPI is a relatively uncommon (but not rare) condition, and we diagnose it […]

Dog having heart scan

Heart defects in dogs and how they are fixed

Congenital heart defects are abnormalities that affect the heart’s structure or function. When a defect is called congenital, this means it is present at birth. Other heart defects exist that are acquired. This means they develop later in life. Congenital defects can range from minor to very severe. The impact they have on your dog’s […]