Archive: Sep 2020

10 ways to care for your dog on a budget
Save money
10 ways to care for your dog on a budget
Owning a dog is expensive. In fact, estimates suggest that dogs will cost their owners £10000-18000 over the course of their life. If COVID has put you in a bit of a bind financially. You might be wondering how you can c…
August 22, 2020 • 84 shares
The Price of Friendship – The Growth of Puppy Farming During Lockdown
The Price of Friendship – The Growth of Puppy Farming During Lockdown
Many of us have tried something new since lockdown started in late March. Social media has been flooded with images of sourdough starters, oil paintings and fitness videos. Unsurprisingly, many people have decided that t…
August 20, 2020 • 209 shares • 5 comments
My pet has been referred to a specialist, what happens next?
Life as vet - what its like
My pet has been referred to a specialist, what happens next?
From time to time your pet’s illness or symptoms may fall outside the expertise that can be provided by your general practice vet. To offer your pet the best possible care your vet may ask your permission to refer your p…
August 20, 2020 • 15 shares
Why is my cat wheezing?
Why is my cat wheezing?
Most cat owners will be familiar with the hacking sound that their cat will make before depositing a furball on the living room carpet! However sometimes cats make similar sounds for other reasons, for example if they ar…
August 18, 2020 • 350 shares • 1 comments
What grades do you need to get into vet school?
Life as vet - what its like
What grades do you need to get into vet school?
Following the A-level results last week, we always get a spike in people asking this question! And of course, this year is going to be very different from normal, with the pandemic making it difficult to access work expe…
August 17, 2020 • 23 shares
What’s wrong with my gecko?
Exotic Pet
What’s wrong with my gecko?
Noticing signs of illness in a lizard can be quite challenging. Their quiet demeanour and often limited frequency of handling mean that subtle problems can be easily missed. Many conditions are slow to develop, making gr…
August 15, 2020 • 59 shares • 191 comments
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