David Harris


David graduated from Bristol Vet School in 2005. He spent several years in equine and then small animal practice, developing a particular interest in pharmacology and anaesthetics. David developed his digital skills working at the MyVetMeds veterinary pharmacy and brings those skills to VetHelpDirect particularly in his work creating content for veterinary practices. He now splits his time between VetHelpDirect and teaching veterinary nurses and animal science students at Cornwall College. He has a broad interest in all matters veterinary and biological, but a particular interest in evidence based practice and applied veterinary pharmacology; and is our veterinary content and technical editor.
He lives on Dartmoor surrounded by family dogs, sheep and horses!

Latest articles by David Harris

Best UK Vet 2022 Announced!
Best UK Vets
Best UK Vet 2022 Announced!
Here at VetHelpDirect, we want to help you - the pet parent, owner, or guardian. And we want to help your vets to help you! That’s why we started the Best UK Vet Awards - to reward genuinely excellent service by vet prac…
April 11, 2022 • 66 shares
VetHelpDirect Communications Survey 2021
News and Comment
VetHelpDirect Communications Survey 2021
Every two years, VetHelpDirect run a big survey of pet owners in the UK called the Communications Survey. And the 2021 survey has just gone live! We’d love it if as many pet owners as possible could complete it - and in…
September 13, 2021
Newsflash - Afghan Operation Ark is GO
Animal Welfare
Newsflash - Afghan Operation Ark is GO
With all the chaos following the US and Western withdrawal from Afghanistan, it's not really surprising that animal charities weren't foremost in the minds of the military and political planners. However, one rescue orga…
August 23, 2021 • 641 shares
Where are all the vets? Vet practices forced to close their doors under the strain of a recruitment crisis…
News and Comment
Where are all the vets? Vet practices forced to close their doors under the strain of a recruitment crisis…
We get more and more comments from pet owners saying that they can’t find a vet. Yes, in an emergency, someone will pretty much always see their animal - even if it’s nearly an hour’s drive and they have to pay a steep s…
July 12, 2021 • 19859 shares • 42 comments
Is Covid really common in dogs and cats?
Controversial topics
Is Covid really common in dogs and cats?
There seems to be lots of news on Covid in animals this week - and most of it looks on the surface to be really bad news. So, as the UK opens up again and the Delta variant spreads through populations - is your pet likel…
July 5, 2021
Compulsory Microchipping for Cats part of Government Action Plan for Animal Welfare
News and Comment
Compulsory Microchipping for Cats part of Government Action Plan for Animal Welfare
The UK Government has introduced a wide-ranging Action Plan for Animal Welfare. For pet owners, this includes making microchips for cats a legal requirement. So, what does this mean for you? It is estimated that around 2…
May 13, 2021 • 35 shares
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